Say A Prayer
Say a prayer today;
Say a prayer before you got to bed;
Say a prayer before you lay down to sleep;
For your loved ones and your neighbors.
Say a prayer for those who rarely cross your mind;
Say a prayer for your gateman;
For the hawker down the street;
Say a prayer for the small storekeeper trying to make ends meet.
Go on your knees and say a prayer;
Say with all your heart;
Heavenly Father, I thank you for you hear me when I call.
Thank you for your light shines in this ever dark world.
I thank you for you, keep on keeping me.
I pray today for ____.
Be with ____ and keep them.
That light that makes you God, let it enter their hearts.
As I lay on my bed, our sustainer, let your name be true.
We look to no one but you. Strengthen us as we become more like you.
Say a prayer today because life and death can be determined by just one prayer.