Real men are wise
Seeking true knowledge
Knowledge that leads to the well of wisdom
Wise men search
Searching for understanding and light
They spend their life searching for the truth
Wise men know
Know that truth has a container
Oftentimes not a true reflection of its content
They know, so they seek, because they know
Know that true riches are not always in the palace
They often lay in barns.
Like diamonds buried in the ground
Real men discover that eureka is a person
Eureka is a person who lights their darks minds
Eureka is not a moment but a journey of light
Laid like a helpless child in a manger
Shown to the shepherd instead of princes.
That's wisdom.
Wisdom is Him who has it all and is all.
Wisdom is Jesus Christ. Have you sought HIM?
That's the path to be a real man.
Merry Christmas!