A critical skill in these protest times
Pain is hard to articulate for a victim. Many respond in different ways when in agony. In the face of the ENDSARS protests going on in parts of Nigeria and around the world, there is a demand for justice for the victims of FSARS. Though the unit has been disbanded by the government done in a press conference by the Inspector General of Police, Nigerians still continued the protests. A major reason for the continuous agitations, is because of trust deficiency making it hard to believe the words of the government. There has been five demands made by Nigerian youths which the government has promised to implement. Though the protests have been hijacked by hoodlums attacking citizens and looting many places, it is still imperative that the government employs the right skills in the current crisis.
The critical skill that would bring a lasting solution to the cries of Nigerian youths is listening. Listening is a skill that is often overlooked and mistaken for hearing. Listening is an art that is honed over time. The challenge is to listen to get the real pain point. Often, there is so much communicated when relaying an event, and it is easy to miss the crux. Only individuals with this skill can sieve through a sea of words and emotions to get to the heart of the situation to proffer the right solution.
Listening is often downplayed, but in our current highly polarized world with a lot of uncertainty, it has become a priceless asset. To be seen as a fair in a case, there must be a track record of trust and integrity. If the victim does not perceive this, he/she would feel cheated. Victims often result in unconventional means to get justice when previous approaches failed to yield result.
The bible sites an example in Luke 18 with the unjust judge and the widow. The widow had a case, and the judge failed to pass judgement. Her constant and consistent bickering troubled the judge and decided to do the right thing. His decision to do the right thing wasn’t out of pity or care for the widow but to avoid continuous attacks from her.
No matter one’s status in life, you might find yourself either as a victim or a judge.
Listening is not only used for resolving conflict but to also build relationships. For one to listen well, one must have clarity on the problem as he wades through the symptoms. One thing that must never be missed is the goal. If the goal is clear, a solution is in sight.
Like every craft, it takes time to develop. Constant practice is still the path to mastery.
The governments reactions and response to protestors requests would show if the Nigerian youths would be willing to sit at the negotiation table and get their demands - the right to live.